Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I dont update enough. I know.

I know because I rolled my car the other day, and you guys havent even heard.

It was Saturday.

I was driving to work 6:10 am. Doing about 50 in a 55 because it had snowed the night before and I thought I was going slow enough.

man was I wrong.

I started to kinda drift to the center and so I corrected to the right, only I guess too far because I started to slide on snow and it looked like I was going off the road.

I pulled it out of that and then I was pointing in the exact opposite direction, but the car keeps going down the highway sideways like I hadnt done anything at all. I was still sliding on snow.

Then came a slight bend in the road. I hit the plough line going sideways and the car left the ground, it landed on the top once and then it flipped again back onto the tires and stopped there. Somehow in the whole exchange the drivers side window got smashed. I assume when the roof hit the ground. I unbuckled my seat belt and fumbled with the door handle and couldnt work it. I climbed out of the smashed window. Led Zepplin's Houses of the Holy was on the radio(I only can pick up a crappy classic rock station where I live).

I had a few minor cuts on my hands from the drivers side window breaking and my neck hurt like I was on rollercoasters all day but otherwise I seemed ok.

hows that for news?


Wandering Far said...

So who stopped to help you?

mood killer said...

Holy crap.

I'm sure glad you're ok.

Thanks for the update.

Leslie said...

"Houses of the Holy" is a great soundtrack for a car crash!

There's an angel on my shoulder, In my hand a sword of gold...

Best post ever!

Hödekin said...

wandering, some old couple pulled over and ask if I was ok and offered me coffee. Then there was a guy who wanted to look at my car. And while I was getting picked up by my wife some x-fireman stopped.

Leslie, it was pretty surreal.

Wandering Far said...

Minnesota is so nice.
If that happened in Oklahoma, nobody would stop except for the cops, and they'd only stop to make sure you had a wrecker on the way to tow your car.

Beth said...

I will probably drive in the US because of stories like this.

I almost crashed on my bike the other day because of the mud though.

Mud.... snow... maybe we should share notes

mood killer said...

You don't update enough?

You don't update ever!

Hödekin said...

Oh, Ive Ive moved to a beg for updates system.

You dont get an update until you ask for one.