Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trying to get all the torrenting I can get done in the last few days before computers and internet get moved out to the new place. Im going to take a huge speed hit 10 mbit to 1.5 mbit. UGH! Still halfway decent, I was afraid Id have to use dial up, but appearently that crappy speed dsl is availble, supposedly in 90 to 180 days 7 mbit will be availible tho.

Also Im trying to think of a pumpkin design that I can top my super one with.

Remember this:

Monday, September 22, 2008

a birdbath.

Heres a nice one, crazy how this stuff works out.

Welcome to fall.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why do I even CARE?

I guess I dont as much as I used to.

I used to think that once I was not angry all my problems would be over.

Well, for the most part I was right. Everything else is minor by comparison.

Im going to go fishing 2morrow and then I have a bunch of yardwork to do at the new house.

hope everyone has a good weekend.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I think I might start a new segment called:

Comments I would leave at monstergirls blog but she wont let me

Todays instalment:

"prolly cause she hates me. But I know I erroneously think everything revolves around me...

Dont delete my comment...This is no sermon.

I liked the song, but not the singer.

I bet the agitator in YOUR washing machine doesnt constantly get stuck.


This is mostly in reply to butchies comment.
I think the wisest thing anyones said to me recently is

"They bring up stuff to scare us"

who does this remind you of?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When and if I ever get to heaven if Jesus asks me who I want to save I think Ill reply everyone.


I can hope I have that kind of clout when I get there.
Hello Neighbors,

Today just for Cantopenner We are going to have german class.

Hoden = testicular
Hodensack = scrotum

Ich bin ein Berliner = I am one with the people of Berlin

There are no jelly donuts involved. Contrary to what you may have heard.

The stuff we talk about nowadays I tell you, at risk of sounding redundant, I think most misunderstandings arise from misunderstanding.

Also heres Hallowed be Thy Name, from Iron Maiden:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I have started to believe that Gods Court, his kingdom, and subjects are ever growing.

This is good news indeed for anyone wishing to follow him.

I used to believe that Gods kingdom was static, that it was never changing, never growing but never shrinking...After much careful consideration and philosophical debate I came to the conclusion that it is not. And that muchly glorifies his subjugation of the adversary. For he risks his entire kingdom so that we may always be entered into it.

No one would ever be interested in great stories that have never been told. And I cant tell stories anyway when I believe they have no ending.

Some people call me crazy. Im not, some stories really have no ending, you just have to have faith that there is an ending someday, that you will never hear or be part of. And that all things happen for a reason.

I accept that.

And I hope you all do too.

But if not maybe someday you will.

And that makes me laugh.

Hey check out these magic cards(After all Im a GIANT NERD if Im anything),

Some people goto church.

I went around and talked to some good friends of mine. I came out of it with 2 bags of 'taters and a bag of onions, some pop, and some other misc. stuff I needed for the house.

Did you guys ever hear the rolling stones song about me?(quite a trick considering it was on the beggers banquet album in 1968.)

Honestly tho and this is the truth:

I was born in a cross-fire hurricane
And I howled at my ma in the driving rain,
But its all right now, in fact, its a gas!
But its all right. Im jumpin jack flash,
Its a gas! gas! gas!

I was raised by a toothless, bearded hag,
I was schooled with a strap right across my back,
But its all right now, in fact, its a gas!
But its all right, Im jumpin jack flash,
Its a gas! gas! gas!

I was drowned, I was washed up and left for dead.
I fell down to my feet and I saw they bled.
I frowned at the crumbs of a crust of bread.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I was crowned with a spike right thru my head.
But its all right now, in fact, its a gas!
But its all right, Im jumpin jack flash,
Its a gas! gas! gas!

Jumping jack flash, its a gas
Jumping jack flash, its a gas
Jumping jack flash, its a gas
Jumping jack flash, its a gas
Jumping jack flash

Friday, September 12, 2008

Been playing gears of war.

Its pretty sweet.

Am working on getting spore.

also been playing the dungeon siege clone, space siege.

Tomorrow I have to repair a dryer tho, and a lawnmower. Im so repairery.
I decided to post my favorite chicken trucking song today.

If you have never listened to Wolf Creek Pass, dont dismiss it, Give the whole thing a chance.

Its not my favorite sort of music or anything but the lyrics are inspired.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

If you look hard enough all curses become blessings.


I bet some of you dont believe me, but maybe you should.

Look harder, but only if you want to.

Have a great day!

Monday, September 8, 2008

somewhere between being asleep and awake I think I can understand everything, but then I forget.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I gotta goto my friend greggs birthday party.

Free food at least.

Also I am in a crappy mood.


Thursday, September 4, 2008



I have no pictures of her handy.

so heres this one instead.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

There is a dead frog in my street.

I think its cause fall has fallen on us.

Id rather be saying spring is sprung but it appears the summer is over.

I feel alittle under the weather today. I think Im coming down with a cold.

And I need to work on some peoples computer today as well.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Most of my kids start school today.

I just woke Melissa up, John will be up in 20 minutes.


Monday, September 1, 2008

I got some more consulting work todo today.

Its coming out of the woodwork.

Check this video out: